You have to remember, the compatibility mode doesn't really emulate Windows
9x CODE, it only emulates certain system variables and procedures so the
Installers will run and the game will function. If there is a direct
incompatibility with the way something is executed in 2K/XP, the
incompatibility will still be there.
For example, trying to run a game that access the video hardware directly.
It won't run in 2K/XP, and it STILL won't run in compatibility mode.
At least this is how it's been explained to me...
Thanks for the idea, though!
> > This is NOT fixed under Windows XP, unfortunately :(
> > At least it installs. I could never even get it installed under 2K.
> Isn't there a Win98 compatibility mode you can set for each piece of
> software. It's in the properties I think.
> --
> Stuff You Gotta Have
> software for BeOS and PalmOS