>I've just finished playing with "The New Rusty" springs and it is truely awesome! Thanks go out
>to Denis Auroux for writing the TRACKED editor and for making this wonderful modification to the
>Rusty Springs track.
>Of course you can grab it from my NFS page IMMEDIATELY! Enjoy...
arcade track. A loy of time spent up-shifting, down-shifting,
preparing for the next turn - I like it. And some very tough turns,
and one viscous double-turn. I still haven't figure out the best car
for this track. The Ferrari's usually pretty reliable, but it has some
real trouble with those turns (or else I do).
The humbling thing is, the computer drivers learned that new track
instantly, finding the best speeds for the corners and turning in good
times. They've never driven this track before either, so that speaks
of pretty good AI (on that one corner there's even a Nascar-like
backup of cars slowing down for the turn, you can rear-end someone
real easy if you're not careful).
Kudos to Denis, very well done.