Guess what. I think I've found something that helped me out.
I've got a REVEAL 16 bit sound card. It sounds very nice in GP2. But
I've noticed that hmmm if I change from using the SoundBlaster Pro
setting which was suggested by GP2's install to just a regular
SoundBlaster. My frame-rate increased!!!!!
The sound isn't really different at all. Even with the regular
Soundblaster option it sounds better thatn ICR2. But the important
part is that my framerate increased. For example at Monza:
Soundblaster Pro at starting grid- 147-151 processor occupancy
Soundblaster at starting grid 135% processor occupancy
During the race the Soundblaster option is also faster. It really
doesn't go over 100% except in the case of a hugh crash in front of
me. Even then it doesn't go up all that much. It still seems to run
pretty fast. BTW this is all in SVGA with Smoke, Trackside objects,
and no detail. It still looks beautiful. It doesn't have textures
everywhere but runs great and looks and sounds beautiful. It sorta
reminds me of an auto racing version of Su27 with of course better
Maybe this might help someone out with the speed on there computers.
Michael Muhammad
Elijah Muhammad Racing Team
BTW, I think that GP2 is better than ICR2 at the moment. But I like
them both.