>> I think ths skill system is unfair because there guys whohave a
skill of
>> 11+ but only race at dega. Maybe you should limit the total amount
>> skill points for a track and limit to our overall skill. say they
>> dega and have a track skill of 10 you should only make it a
percentage of
>> what the skill equals. maybe make it worth only a 2 so if people
>> only racing dega the highest there going to get is a 2 thus making
>> race other tracks...
>First Bill tells us we can't smoke, now you want to tell us which
>we should run. You and Slick Willie need to get a life and stay out of
>Chuck Stuart - Mesquite TX USA
The guys only speculating on IMPROVING the rating system, he's not
telling you to do or not do anything! No matter how the system works
you are free to race at any track you choose and Papy is free to make
the rating system whatever they want it to reflect. AND they are going
to make it show skills levels at EACH track.
Me thinks the lady doth protest to much (Shakespeare) or if the shoe
fits wear it.
Bill also likes to stiffle debate.