spent a few days racin' around online. The other night I noticed I did a
sub 28 lap at monza. Of course I squealed like a young girl, tried to get
my girlfiriend to understand (and explain the squeal), and danced around the
room. I thought to myself, gee, I should recreate that in training mode and
submit it to schubi and get on the list! the next morning I went in
training, and after four*** not so fun laps, I managed a 1:27:87 (.12
better than my qualifying time the night before). I remembered having
checked out the list some time ago, and thought my time was good enough for
the 30-40ish position. Wow, I thought, I'm in the top 30 or 40 in the
world... aren't I great? But my stupid internet was down (it's never down!)
so I'd have to wait. Well, since my provider just changed hands the new and
the old providers were both telling me its the other guy's responsibility.
By the time I got one to admit it was their problem, it was too late, I'd
have to wait until the next morning. So.... 28 hours later, my internet is
back up. And then I was even more depressed..... A 1:27:87 is only good
for, get this..... 92nd position!!!!!!
I SUCK!!!!!
So I downloaded the fastest guy's setup (which happened to be an Eagle not a
lotus), so I tried out the eagle with his setup and after just 4 laps turned
a 1:27:80. So now I'll be waaaay up in 81st spot.
Jeeeezus. How did everybody get so fast?!?!?!?
Well, I'm gonna turn ten laps tonight and see if I can better it, before
sending it in, and then I'll never bother even considering worrying about
that damned list ever again! ; )
To all the inhumans out there... my hat goes off to you.