Greg you don't hold the brake and gas down at the sametime to do a
burnout,you hit the brakes hit line loclk,hit trans brake take rpms to just
under what your Torque converter is set to stall at and let off the trans
brake.but when you get to over 1000 hp yes it's kind of hard to do a burnout
this way.I will post another message on how to do a burnout will high hp and
torque cars.
Robert "GT86" Platts
BlackHole MotorSports
>>Just a question about the line lock, I don't own the game so I don't know
>>the manual explains how to use it (or if you already know.) To use a line
>>you apply and hold the brakes, hit the line lock switch, then release the
>>brakes. This keeps the front binders engaged but not the rears. Then after
>>get the tires spinning you release the line lock to start moving. Is that
>>you did?
>This was probably the problem. It is impossible to hold the gas/brake
>at the same time as I have a T2 and the pedals are on the same axis
>and cancel each other out. Even though I would turn line-lock on, I
>could never apply the brake while applying the gas. So no bunrout.
>Makes sense I guess. Also, T2 owners be warned :-)
>Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.