Dave Noonan (sp?) did the converter (icr2gpl). I just ran across the
Demo converter, but it only converts a few tracks; and I don't think
Mid-Ohio is among them. To convert Mid-Ohio, I think you'll need the
full Converter, which costs money. I don't know where it's available or
how much it is. . . .
I think I may have just found the full converter. Try here:
Good luck. Have fun at the real race. Simming always enhances my
experience, too.
>>I'd like to be able to run mid-ohio in gpl (in preparation for a visit out
>>there to see the US LeMans race in a couple weeks) and I understand that
> the
>>to run mid-ohio in gpl requires conversion of an IRC2 track. Never having
>>done any track conversions (and not owning IRC2), I'm not quite sure how
> to
>>go about this. Could someone recommend a good site with instructions
> and/or
>>links to necessary files. And if I need to purchase a copy of IRC2 first
> to
>>get this to work, any thoughts on where I might find a copy?
>>Thanks -- itazura