Problem was, the guys I was racing were doing high 52's - consistency is
fine but if you're slow, you're slow :(
> > > car racing is one of the most repetitive tasks of all, every lap,
> > > brakign at the same place, with the same strength while turning the
> > > wheel the same amount....
> > > It is very impressive when you have the chane to take a ride with a
> > > professional driver to see this, it's like a robot, doing always the
> > > same at the same time...over and over again
> > What always impressed me was the ability to vary the lap times. How
> often
> > do we hear a driver say he 'pushed' here or 'held back' there. When
> > drivers are told to slow down and save do they? The uncanny
> > sense of time the really good drivers posess must be phenomenal(sp?)
> > dave henrie
> I think it's experience.
> Must be about the same think like speedskaters who can do constant
> (less than a tenth of a second difference for 30 sec laps) when they skate
> 10000 m.
> grtngs,
> hgrm