I like that approach you are taking here.....but here's something you might
consider that would alter your thinking just a bit:
Let's take two brains.....call them "Brain-A" and "Brain-B"..........by
using the term "brain"....I'm talking about the entire mechanism of all
senses...and the processing of them by the brain....including the "learning"
Now.....let's define their racing experience as follows:
"Brain-A"....has never been in a real race car....never driven any car "at
the limits"....and has never been in a racing simulator. It has an RIQ
(Racing Intelligence Quotient) of 150.
"Brain-B".....is a professional race driver's brain (let's say Tony
Stewart's brain....whose background in various types of race cars is quite
wide and diverse).....and it has never been in a racing simulator. It has
an RIQ also of 150.
Now let's put both brain's in our racing simulator for the first time (the
same simulator and let's say this simulator does an excellent job of
producing 6 out of the 10 inputs from a real race car....really well).
Now, let's open for discussion the following postulation: Which "brain"
comes up to full race speeds first...on a track neither brain has ever
driven on?
I'd be interested to hear your ideas....and others.
PS: Think I'll post this again as a new post/thread....so we can see the
comments from everyone separately.