On Aug 14, 1996 09:18:13 in article <Re: Rally games?>, 'Leon
>> > I wonder why no one out there has done a SERIOUS rally game.. Is it
>not a popular sport? I for
>> > one love it to death.. hey Papyrus .. are you guys listening? I'd like
>opinion on this... would
>> > it be feasible to make a rally game? With dirt roads and all.. I think
>Grand Prix 2 has a great
>> > engine for offroad racing.. Maybe if they just tweaked it a little we
>have a kick ass rally
>> > game.. Oh well.. that's my two cents... (hmm.. wonder what 2 cents can
>you nowadays..)
>> It seems that there are a few rally games coming to the PC real
>> soon!
>> Watch out for "Q RAC Rally", it seems very promising....
>> And for a "good time", SEGA Rally is also coming soon...
>> There is one called "Rally Challange", and there is also
>> a beta for download, (But this one seems to need a lot of work!)
>> Thomas Heineman
>Network Q RAC Rally has a flying Ford Escort on the front, doesn't it?
>Well, if it's that one, it doesn't live up to it's promise. A good game
>isn't just about flashy box art, I played it, and it seems to be of the
>Lombard Rally/Test Drive II era game engine. Not even 3D. Besides, it's
>so simple you can't play it on a Pentium 166 because the steering whips
>you right around with a single keypress.
>For now, I'd venture Sega Rally is the ultimate rally game, I don't
>recall they have ever made a Arcade to PC conversion before. Anyone care
>to remind me? I'd guess the main problem is the great distances involved
>in rallying. Maybe that's why Sega Rally is so short. If you went longer,
>it'll turn into a circuit. I think current technology does not allow for
>storage of many, many frames of high quality background object just
>doesn't allow for efficient programming or stuff like that......but I'll
>watch Rally Challenge, always ready for a 4 wheel drift......
> Me,
> Leon
I think the reason Papyrus, or any other company for that matter, doesnt
put out rally games, is because there would be a lack of simulation. I mean
what can you adjust and stuff on rally cars? Dont get me wrong, rally cars
rule, and there just plain fun to watch, and to drive in an arcade! Though
I think Papyrus would be at the advantage by expanding to something like
this. The obviouis reason they dont write this game is because it just
simply isnt in demand. If all you rally freaks out there sign a petition or
something, maybe it could happen :-) Hell, I've heard that there are
rally games due out in the future.
[Henrik Monti]
[IndyBound Karting]
[F1-Kart Speedway Miami, FL]
[IVGA#2542, Int. Tool Racing-------------------------------/
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