Almost all current racing games use position updates as opposed
to control inputs for online racing. Need for Speed 4 - High Stakes
and Need for Speed 5 - Porsche Unleashed are two of the few
games that allow players to choose between control inputs or
position updates for online play. The limit is 8 players per
race and virtually no one uses control input mode because there
is too much delay in control feedback.
Another issue is that some racing games react differently
depending on the system they are running on. Control input
for online play wouldn't work at all on these games.
Yes, and that's exactly what happens online. If the replays record
enough telemetry information for every car in a race, then they
can be used to check for cheats. This is how it's done in NR2003.
You just have to put up with it in some games. In NR2003, a server
can ban specific players, which helps, but it also gets abused,
some players getting unfairly banned. In LFS, a player can post
a vote during a race to eject a player, again the potential for
abuse occurs here, like the "crasher" putting up a vote to ban
the "crashee".
Real time cheat detection schemes are difficult to implement. EA
uses this for NFS7 (Underground 1) and NFS8 (Underground 2). The
server code tries to determine if the telemetry info it receives
indicates a cheat or unfair play. Even with months of updates,
EA never got this to work right. It rarely detects true cheats,
and about 90% of the time that it does disqualify a player, it
wrongly does so (false detection of a cheat or unfair play).
< saving control inputs during replays
If both control inputs and telemetry were saved during replays, then
the replay could be re-run using the control inputs to check for
hacked physics. However this would mean that all factors affecting
performance, like tuning, would be included in the replay, and a lot
of players guard their setups. Note that Need For Speed 2 thru 5
save only the control inputs for replays (along with car id,
tuning, assist and cheat codes used), and work perfectly, even
when viewed on other systems. In order for this to work, the control
inputs are filtered (one byte for each control input, sampled at a
fixed rate) before being applied to a player's car and stored in the
replay. For NFS 2 thru 5, these replays make great cheat detectors
for offline runs, since it just used the creator's control inputs
on the viewers game.
< some games are system senstitive, so control inputs wouldn't work
< it also means that these games aren't fair
EA's NFS7 was extremely affected by system speed. There was a patch
but it over-compensated, so that faster lap times would occur on
slower machines. On some newer racing games, the peformance varies
from system to system, the same control inputs on one system won't
have the same results as the same control inputs on another system.
This could be do to the controller (wheel versus joystick), system
speed, graphics card speed, sound card speed, ... .
Live for speed S1 runs better if you enable force feedback, as
this has the affect of adding a stability assist in the game.
Since most newer games use telemetry based replays, replays can't
be interchanged to check if the game runs the same on two different
systems. In the case of one of the more popular games, I read a
thread were a player played a game at a friend's house, and had
to adjust the setup to compensate for the game performing differently
between the two systems (the player brought his own controller,
a momo racing wheel, and used the same controller driver, so it
wasn't a controller issue). One of the systems resulted in faster
lap times than the others.
One test that can be used is to run fraps to capture screen data while
running a race. I've found a few games where performance seems to
improve when running a fraps capture while playing. Another simple
thing to try is to reduce the graphics (lower resolution).
The only games I know of that use controller input based replays
are the Need for Speed games 2 through 5, and Toca Race Driver 2.
These are also the only games I've confirmed to run on multiple
systems and perform exactly the same.