Within the last the week i have received the boot twice while racing series
races. Before then I never had been booted.. guess that was good luck. I 'm
concerned cause these disconnections seemed to surface after i switched from
AT&T to SPRINT. Coincidence? Could Sprint's service be inferior? Could it be
my init.string? I use ATZ with my 28.8 US Rob Sporster. Could it be the baud
rate set in eterm? I have been using 19,200 in the past, should I drop to
14,400? I do have and disable call waiting with "*70,". And noone has been
picking up phones in the house knocking me off.
Do any of you know of any good long distance deals to make the racing
cheaper. I pay $.10 a minute with either of the two companies. But Sprint is
offering a 10% rebate after 12 months. Someone told me just tonite that AT&T
has some plan that allows him to race for 7.5 or 8 cents a min. I'll have to
check on that. Anyone else heard of that plan? I know getting booted is going
to happen ...but in my case it is getting ridiculous. I want to minimize the
problem if i can. Any suggestions or comments will be appreciated. Thanks.