>I agree with Todd. I often watched AI races in GP2 and it looks very real all
> the
>time. I've tried to watch AI races in GPL... It just doesn't look real at all
> and
>they dont drive the same line as any normal sim racer do. IMO, GPL AI looks
> much
>more artificial than GP2 AI.
>Last year I restricted my GP2 setup, so I had the same top speed, acceleration
>and braking distance as GP2 top AI. The races I drove reminded a lot about real
>races and doing so all the time. At Magny only overtaking place was before the
>hairpin and it was hard to get a tow out of the fast right hander before the
>hairpin. At Hockenheim it was slip streaming mayhem :o))). Here the AI wouldn't
>always slip stream at the smartest place though :o).
>/Christer, would have to be an unusually big fan of 60s racing to enjoy the AI
> in
>GPL, and I'm not ;o)
>> No it doesn't seem worse, it is worse. The AI in GPL are a step backwards, a
>> large part of the reason I quit the game.
>> >Agreed that this is a very frustrating experience. Unfortunately it seems
>> >worse with GPL not because the AI are worse (they are generally better), but
>> >because you have more invested in the racing experience.
>> >Marc.
>> >> OK guys just a rant here to vent some frustration. I was on lap 68 of a GP
>> >> at Zandvoort last night and doing pretty well by my standards running in
>> >5th
>> >> place. Unfortunately I got tangled up with another car whilst lapping him.
>> >> It was a pretty minor "contretemps" and I should have ordinarily been able
>> >> to continue.
>> >> The trouble was that our wheels were tangled up and try as I might, I was
>> >> unable to do anything to free myself. The reason for this was simply that
>> >> the AI seem to have no intelligence when it comes to extricating
>> >themselves
>> >> from such situations. Instead of using a reverse gear, they seem to be
>> >> blindly intent on continuing as though the other car is not there. After
>> >> spending about 30 seconds trying to clear the other car with it's full
>> >> throttle ram raid mentality I gave up.This is an observation that I have
>> >> made with every sim that I have raced over the years. I wish I had a penny
>> >> for every time an AI car has tried to simply drive through me.
>> >> Just an observation that developers of future sims might bear in mind.
>> >> Mark