I downloaded the Viper demo, it looks great, what I can see of it.
When I go to race, after picking the car and joystick(wheel actually)
then hit the race button, it locks up my computer. I thought I might
have a demo that had a problem so I downloaded it again from another
page, and when I tried to uninstall the first one it will not uninstall.
It gives me a message that says "internal error, unable to load or call
external DLL, please contact your venfdor for further info" I then tried
to install the new download of Viper, and it will not install because it
says I already have it installed, even after deleteing it, so then I
took it back out of my recycle bin and left it on the computer. So, I
now have a demo that will not work, no way of uninstalling it, and no
way of installing a new one. I want to try this new demo, but what do I
do?? Please help
Gary Kendall