point of the wheel. I also could never get the pedals to work in N3
properly. At first only gas worked, after installing updated drivers from
Thrustmaster, I could link the pedals to one axis, then couldn't get N3 to
see them at all. Pedals worked fine in GPL, but the wheel was useless.
Mine has already been returned, but if there are fixes for these problems, I
would consider getting another one and trying again (I spent the better part
of two days just trying to calibrate it). For now, I guess I'll just get by
with my 4 yr. old T2.
>> Does anyone know how to fix it.
>Well shit, I just got one and it does the same thing. Funny though,
>that in the pro digital calibration routine, the picture of the wheel
>turns very fast off of center, but it takes a bit for the white ball to
>I just emailed thrustmaster tech support and we will see. If I get the
>run around and no real solution, I am taking it back.
>Has anyone notice that you have to use the pro digitals delete button
>when you delete a button assignment? If you right click on the field
>and select "select all" and then right click on the field again and
>select "delete" that the values seem to disappear, but if you do
>anything, they pop right back in. Now why didn't they just disable this
>little dialog if it doesn't work? That is very very poor programming
>DR Ephemeron
>Sent via Deja.com http://www.racesimcentral.net/
>Before you buy.