>>>I mean is this based off of the F1C 99-00, or GTR games. How much
>>>better is it than the rest of these clones? Anything new or improved
>>>over the rest of isi's sims?
>>physics, graphics, net code. all new
>>hows that sound? :)
> It sounds good....but why oh why didn't they solve the stutter when
> someone joins? I've a feeling the only netcode they rewrote was the
> matchmaking part, not the actual racingcode. The other thing which
> reminds me to the older ISI based games is the
> practice/quilify/warmup/race setup.
> Granted, you can tick some off if you're hosting, but so far I haven't
> seen a way in game to set the amount of practice/qualify/warmup time,
> or set the type of qualification. Somehow I've a feeling this part is
> just the F1C part, since you're only allowed 12 laps....Maybe it's
> different in the dedicated server, I didn't check that one out.
> Cheers!
> Remco
I joined in my first online session this morning before I had to go to
work, it was a small group and the wrong time of day to really test the
'stress' on the server, but with 10 or so AI and the other real guys
leaving and rejoining, I never had a hiccup.
If past experience holds, you should underestimate your connection. I
have Cable with 4000kbs down and 300+ upstream. I chose the 128kbs ISDN
setting. Smooth as silk. But again, not the most stressful test