Eldred's Silverstone Race

Andre Warrin

Eldred's Silverstone Race

by Andre Warrin » Thu, 04 Jan 2001 20:05:27

On Wed, 3 Jan 2001 00:50:29 +0100, "Jan Verschueren"

>I've just watched the beginning of the Silverstone replay (stunning
>footage... looks just like a real race in places <g>) and as Daffy Duck
>would say : "AHA! -An imposter!!"

>Wasn't me John, Brett Cammack is the one you want to hit.

Wait wait wait, are you sure?? I have to watch the replay again when I
get home then. I watched it last night, and as I wrote in another
post, I wasn't you who rammed John, it was someone else. But not
Brett, some somebody called S. something..
Perhaps I was mistaken, I'll get back on this one.


John Simmo

Eldred's Silverstone Race

by John Simmo » Thu, 04 Jan 2001 20:15:26

I don't necessarily want to *hit* anyone... :-)

I recognize the fact that it was "one of them racin' deals", but the
person in question would have been awarded a hefty points penalty in the
league I run for pulling back out into oncoming traffic like that.

Brett doesn't have to worry about any kind of future retribution because
I don't work like that. :-)

Redneck Techno-Biker (Zerex12)
Barbarian Diecast Collector (420+ cars and counting)
DeMONS Scheduler for N3 and NL
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Jan Verschuere

Eldred's Silverstone Race

by Jan Verschuere » Thu, 04 Jan 2001 20:33:56


Read John's post again... he's talking about the Cooper who pinched his exit
by re-entering the track out of Chapel and caused him to spin, not the Lotus
who hit him afterwards (nowhere to go for that guy really).

As I had similar incident at the time I assumed it was me, though just like
Brett I wasn't aware of anyone behind when I pulled back onto the track.
Turns out I was lucky and there really wasn't anyone there.


John Simmo

Eldred's Silverstone Race

by John Simmo » Thu, 04 Jan 2001 20:19:37

> On Wed, 3 Jan 2001 00:50:29 +0100, "Jan Verschueren"

> >Wasn't me John, Brett Cammack is the one you want to hit.

> Oops, my bad.  I fear John and me were victims of GPL's
> "one-car-behind" constraint.  Besides the mirrors, I was keenly
> listening for more cars, too, but apparently without sufficient
> success.  I was really busting my ass trying to stay clear of one and
> all.  I also cannot recall reentering the track abruptly, although I
> can appreciate the predictive nature of on-line play could make it
> appear as a such.  I do recall making a less-than-casual move back
> onto the track, but only to keep the wheels from being removed by the
> hay bales preceding the bridge on Farm Straight.

No big, Brett.  I was just vocalizing my frustration.

Don't eat or drink anything during the 24-hours immediately preceding the
race, and bring a soft pillow or pad if your chair is particularly

Redneck Techno-Biker (Zerex12)
Barbarian Diecast Collector (420+ cars and counting)
DeMONS Scheduler for N3 and NL
IGPS/3 Home Page

If you want to send me email, go to the first URL shown
above & click "Send Me Mail" in the contents frame.

Andre Warrin

Eldred's Silverstone Race

by Andre Warrin » Thu, 04 Jan 2001 20:43:47

On Wed, 3 Jan 2001 12:33:56 +0100, "Jan Verschueren"


>Read John's post again... he's talking about the Cooper who pinched his exit
>by re-entering the track out of Chapel and caused him to spin, not the Lotus
>who hit him afterwards (nowhere to go for that guy really).

>As I had similar incident at the time I assumed it was me, though just like
>Brett I wasn't aware of anyone behind when I pulled back onto the track.
>Turns out I was lucky and there really wasn't anyone there.

Ah ok, thanks for clearing that up.


John Simmo

Eldred's Silverstone Race

by John Simmo » Thu, 04 Jan 2001 20:57:22


> On Wed, 3 Jan 2001 00:50:29 +0100, "Jan Verschueren"

> >I've just watched the beginning of the Silverstone replay (stunning
> >footage... looks just like a real race in places <g>) and as Daffy Duck
> >would say : "AHA! -An imposter!!"

> >Wasn't me John, Brett Cammack is the one you want to hit.

> Wait wait wait, are you sure?? I have to watch the replay again when I
> get home then. I watched it last night, and as I wrote in another
> post, I wasn't you who rammed John, it was someone else. But not
> Brett, some somebody called S. something..
> Perhaps I was mistaken, I'll get back on this one.

A Lotus hit me (not really his fault, as my spin stopped squarely in the
driving line), but the Cooper driver started the whole mess by pulling
back onto the track as I was beginning the turn/passing him.  Like I
said, no big deal, I just needed to vocalize my frustration.

Redneck Techno-Biker (Zerex12)
Barbarian Diecast Collector (420+ cars and counting)
DeMONS Scheduler for N3 and NL
IGPS/3 Home Page

If you want to send me email, go to the first URL shown
above & click "Send Me Mail" in the contents frame.

Remco Rohd

Eldred's Silverstone Race

by Remco Rohd » Thu, 04 Jan 2001 22:31:10

Well, it's time to lose my Ras-***ity, gonna be my first post ever (
hmm, well second maybe).Don't go calling me a lurker now plzzz.

I was in this Full-lenght GP race on Eldred's and boy did i love it,
totally new expierence. The start was one like i'd never have before on
Vroc races : calm, gentle and lots of respect for/of your fellow racers,
think this is because u *know* there are 80+ laps to go and have plenty
time to catch up during the race. First fews laps were a bit tricky with
the occasional people running wide and braking (too) late, but after a
while i settled in a good pace and was tailing the 2nd placed lotus,
doing equally fast (or slow :-) laps with full tanks.
I am not a very fast driver at all, but i'd like to think of myself as
being a consistent lapper, and that's what really helps in races like

Unfortunatly i had a disco, with wich i was not happy at all, it would
been really rewarding to finish this race.
Looking forward to the next GP Eldred !


Bart Westr

Eldred's Silverstone Race

by Bart Westr » Fri, 05 Jan 2001 05:22:31

> On Wed, 3 Jan 2001 00:50:29 +0100, "Jan Verschueren"

> >Wasn't me John, Brett Cammack is the one you want to hit.

> Oops, my bad.  I fear John and me were victims of GPL's
> "one-car-behind" constraint.  Besides the mirrors, I was keenly
> listening for more cars, too, but apparently without sufficient
> success.  I was really busting my ass trying to stay clear of one and
> all.  I also cannot recall reentering the track abruptly, although I
> can appreciate the predictive nature of on-line play could make it
> appear as a such.  I do recall making a less-than-casual move back
> onto the track, but only to keep the wheels from being removed by the
> hay bales preceding the bridge on Farm Straight.

When you cannot see a car behind because there is another car in between,
you won't hear it either. And behind can be as little as 1 cm difference in
position! This is why I made the morecars and carsbehind patches for GPL:

Another way to deal with the 1 car behind limit - in stationary situations -
is press shift-v repeatedly to move your view to the***pit of the cars
that are behind you. This feature is not limited to 1 car behind, rather it
moves the focus. Beware that when cars are passing each other when you hit
shift-v, 1 car may be missed. When you have determined that no cars are
around, press control-v to return to your own car and hit the road again.

Bart Westra


Eldred's Silverstone Race

by Eldre » Fri, 05 Jan 2001 05:50:04

>Unfortunatly i had a disco, with wich i was not happy at all, it would
>been really rewarding to finish this race.
>Looking forward to the next GP Eldred !

I haven't decided when I'm going to run another one...  The holiday time was
good because all(most) of the leagues were on break.  When they restart, I'm
not sure of a good time for everyone to be able to participate.  Someone
suggested Friday evenings, but that would have the Europeans racing at midnight
or later...

Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Homepage -
GPL F1 hcp. +28.80...F2 +151.26...F3 hcp. +373.73

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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Eldred's Silverstone Race

by Rob » Fri, 05 Jan 2001 06:24:00

Here's my suggestion, for what it's worth:

-Pro damage (i.e. no Shift+R)
-Half-GP length (i.e. 1 hour or so)
-Mexico, Silverstone, or Zandvoort (tracks with some passing room)
-Sunday 6AM PST (-8GMT). This time seems to work for VROC-F2, and Sunday
ensures we don't conflict with their regular Saturday race. Friday evenings
(EST) don't work too well for us West Coasters who are still at work at that
time (:

I'm suggesting half-GP distance in an attempt to get more than a couple of
finishers on the lead lap. However, based on my vast experience of 20 laps
in one Eldred GP race, I think the general "it's a long race and I don't
want to***anybody up" attitude is something worth preserving. So it
needs to be a long race with full damage.

> >Unfortunatly i had a disco, with wich i was not happy at all, it would
> >have
> >been really rewarding to finish this race.
> >Looking forward to the next GP Eldred !

> I haven't decided when I'm going to run another one...  The holiday time
> good because all(most) of the leagues were on break.  When they restart,
> not sure of a good time for everyone to be able to participate.  Someone
> suggested Friday evenings, but that would have the Europeans racing at
> or later...
> Suggestions?

> Eldred
> --
> Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
> Homepage -
> GPL F1 hcp. +28.80...F2 +151.26...F3 hcp. +373.73

> Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats
> with experience...
> Remove SPAM-OFF to reply.

Mikkel Gram-Hanse

Eldred's Silverstone Race

by Mikkel Gram-Hanse » Fri, 05 Jan 2001 06:24:55

midnights are fine by me, I'm at my best there anyway..... and the
girlfriend has already been put to bed ;)


Eldred's Silverstone Race

by Eldre » Fri, 05 Jan 2001 09:23:49

But would you have any *energy* left AFTER that...? :)

Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Homepage -
GPL F1 hcp. +28.80...F2 +151.26...F3 hcp. +373.73

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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Jan Verschuere

Eldred's Silverstone Race

by Jan Verschuere » Fri, 05 Jan 2001 09:41:14

Have to disagree with the race settings... half a GP with Pro Damage is not
a GP. I believe in raising my game when the going gets tough, not in
reducing the challenge. Besides, at half distance at Silverstone I was only
10th or something... <g>.

I also believe each track presents it's own unique challenge and so I feel
any track is a possible GP track.

I do like the timeslot though... 3pm my time on Sunday would be very
convenient, for me. Don't know about people on both sides of the atlantic
with families and/or kids in team sports though.


Mark Seer

Eldred's Silverstone Race

by Mark Seer » Fri, 05 Jan 2001 10:52:22

Did you get my mail Eldred?


> >Unfortunatly i had a disco, with wich i was not happy at all, it would
> >have
> >been really rewarding to finish this race.
> >Looking forward to the next GP Eldred !

> I haven't decided when I'm going to run another one...  The holiday time
> good because all(most) of the leagues were on break.  When they restart,
> not sure of a good time for everyone to be able to participate.  Someone
> suggested Friday evenings, but that would have the Europeans racing at
> or later...
> Suggestions?

> Eldred
> --
> Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
> Homepage -
> GPL F1 hcp. +28.80...F2 +151.26...F3 hcp. +373.73

> Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats
> with experience...
> Remove SPAM-OFF to reply.


Eldred's Silverstone Race

by Eldre » Fri, 05 Jan 2001 14:03:57

>Have to disagree with the race settings... half a GP with Pro Damage is not
>a GP. I believe in raising my game when the going gets tough, not in
>reducing the challenge. Besides, at half distance at Silverstone I was only
>10th or something... <g>.

>I also believe each track presents it's own unique challenge and so I feel
>any track is a possible GP track.

>I do like the timeslot though... 3pm my time on Sunday would be very
>convenient, for me. Don't know about people on both sides of the atlantic
>with families and/or kids in team sports though.

I can't *imagine* West coasters getting up to run an online race at 6am(on a
SUNDAY)...  I have a hard enough time believing *I* get up at 7:30am on sundays
to watch the GP's on Speedvision...<g>

Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Homepage -
GPL F1 hcp. +28.80...F2 +151.26...F3 hcp. +373.73

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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