> On Wed, 3 Jan 2001 00:50:29 +0100, "Jan Verschueren"
> >I've just watched the beginning of the Silverstone replay (stunning
> >footage... looks just like a real race in places <g>) and as Daffy Duck
> >would say : "AHA! -An imposter!!"
> >Wasn't me John, Brett Cammack is the one you want to hit.
> Wait wait wait, are you sure?? I have to watch the replay again when I
> get home then. I watched it last night, and as I wrote in another
> post, I wasn't you who rammed John, it was someone else. But not
> Brett, some somebody called S. something..
> Perhaps I was mistaken, I'll get back on this one.
A Lotus hit me (not really his fault, as my spin stopped squarely in the
driving line), but the Cooper driver started the whole mess by pulling
back onto the track as I was beginning the turn/passing him. Like I
said, no big deal, I just needed to vocalize my frustration.
Redneck Techno-Biker (Zerex12)
Barbarian Diecast Collector (420+ cars and counting)
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