>I'm planning out a new system, and I was wondering, Do I need to also gst a
>CD-Rom or is a 8x/4x/32x CD-RW good enough to handle all CD needs? Do I
>really need to have both a CD-Rom and a CD-RW?
No, you don't, but you may not want to wear out your expensive-to-replace
CD-RW by spinning CDs in it all the time. You can get a decent CD-ROM for
50-60$ if you fry one (and they do eventually go, believe me), but you can't
replace your CD-RW for 60$, even with a crappy one.
Look at the specs for the CD-RW and check a number called "MTBF." It is a
rating of "Mean Time Between Failures." This is the average number of hours
that drive can be expected to last. When you look at it from the
perspective that the manufacturer *expects* it to fail after a certain
number of hours, you might feel compelled to rack up fewer hours on it.
Just something to consider.
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