what I hope are straigh forward questons.
First the system info as of now...Athlon 950...Gforce 2 w/64mb ram...512
regular ram...Aopen sound card...Win2k Pro...(ask if you need more info..)..
I am planning to add/change from regualr CDrom drive to a burner...from going
back and looking at old posts I see some questions...apparently some drives
have trouble with copy protection...the recomendation seems to be to get a
Should I just add the burner or replace the current drive with the burner?
Any help is appreciated...........thanks..............
"Here we are on a planet moving and spinning though space at 500 miles per
second...and look...my beer stays right there in the glass! Ain't that just
the neatest thing?" - Bill 'Spaceman' Lee interviewed by*** Schaap (quote