>>WITHOUT having to press a button and use your joystick. 2 separate
>>actions that would come very naturally. Oh yes.
>>I can't see VR helmets being supported by the likes of Papyrus for
>>some time to come though.
>Looking Glass Technologies supports it in Flight Unlimited, and
>they're just a little startup, FU is their first program. They're much
>smaller than Papyrus.
Underworld 1 and 2, and System Shock previously, but these were all
published by Origin/EA. All games I like too!
How does the TM force-feedback wheel work? I mean, how does it know
when to feed back to the user? I would have thought that that was
going to require a redesigned joystick port, unless the standard port
supports enough bi-directional signals to enable input to the PC AND
output from the PC. Plus, doesn't the s/w have to talk to the device?
That's something that I would have thought would hold things back:
making an improved, standardised, 2-way joystick port IFF one is
required - I really don't know for sure!
Hmmmm, maybe we don't need one. Won't USB (Universal Serial Bus for
devices such as mice, keyboards etc) happily handle such a joystick?
The newest steppings of the Triton ][ mo'bo's now support USB I
believe. Perhaps we'll see this being used more for 'our' devices in a
year or so...
Multiplayer is certainly almost there. Pity it's all so scattered at
the moment: Hawaii and British Telecom's own Wireplay for instance.
Perhaps I should start designing that***pit after all...
Stuart Booth
Somewhere in Godalming, England, UK