You guys all left out one major point to why NFS2 sucked, the sound. It is
awlful. In NFS you felt like you where in a corvette not only becuase of
the graphics, but it rumbled like a vette. In NFS2 everything sounds the
same, bad. Sure, the background sounds are nice, but the engines just suck.
I figure that EA thinks everyone races with the music on, but I can't stand
the music, never could. It's a major flaw in all windows games. I have
never heard a direct sound racing game that sounded really good. No racing
game before or since sounded so cool when racing. Hell, in NFS2 the beatle
sounded more realistic then the Mac. F1! It looks like more of the same in
NFS3. The graphics look great, but the poor sound in the demo means I will
be thinking twice before purchasing. Also, as far as I can tell why is EA
not including directsound3d or A3d support in the game, I have seen nothing
about any such support, and this is a type of game I would think would
benifit immensly from such support.
>>What was wrong with NFS2SE?
>Driving model was crappy, all the cars felt the same, trucks
>absolutely sucked, no interesting gameplay (i.e., cops or something),
>graphics were flashy but non-functional in important areas (the
>infamous backwards road textures at high speeds).
>Joe McGinn
>Author of Inside LotusScript