the race. No first turn pile up. AI was excellent.
I read that altering the physics can cause the AI to have problems, but then
I have never done that so I wouldn't know from experience.
You're right, a missed shift or braking 30 meters early can cause an
accident. F1 is all about precision. The cars accelerate and brake as fast
as current technology allows. The travel 2 miles around a road course and
their lap times are somehow within a few tenths every lap. Amazing. If you
make even a slight mistake, you are very likely to cause an accident. If a
simulator is realistic, then the same thing should happen. Fact is, you have
to be goooood.
Practice kiddies. You know, like how you do 8 million laps at Monza, and
then marvel at breaking the 1:28 barrier?
David G Fisher
> I know I get sucked into these ludicrously irrational threads at times
> myself, but the best thing to do is try to ignore it.
> It's still pretty weird though that some people experience this mega
> at T1 (regardless of circuit?) so often. Certainly doesn't happen with
> you or many others. Do you think it's a setting issue somewhere?
> Although we know the AI isn't right (although nothing like as bad as some
> the people say on ras) it's interesting to compare with F1CS (my current
> favourite modern F1) which a lot of people here say the AI is near to
> perfection. I think when people say perfection, what they mean is
> forgiving. Try going down a straight in F1CS, ram on the brakes, and see
> how many cars behind pile into you. The answer is none! No matter how
> close they are, they all go round you. Realistic or what? Let's see a
> driver try that at Montreal on sunday! Miss a gear in real F1 and you've
> someone up your ass!
> Iain
> > > > Maybe you and some of the others who complain about getting hit just
> > suck
> > > so
> > > > fu**en bad that the AI can't deal with your shitty driving?
> > > LOL! You are clearly morphing into the "Ubisoft mentality" DGF, that
> the
> > AI
> > > doesn't suck, it's the real drivers who do. Yep even when we start at
> the
> > > back and watch the mega carnage in T1 on the first lap 70% of the
> > My game doesn't do that for some reason. It doesn't do that for others
> > either. The "learning AI" must be learning some bad traits from some of
> you.
> > DGF