I know I get sucked into these ludicrously irrational threads at times
myself, but the best thing to do is try to ignore it.
It's still pretty weird though that some people experience this mega carnage
at T1 (regardless of circuit?) so often. Certainly doesn't happen with me,
you or many others. Do you think it's a setting issue somewhere?
Although we know the AI isn't right (although nothing like as bad as some of
the people say on ras) it's interesting to compare with F1CS (my current 2nd
favourite modern F1) which a lot of people here say the AI is near to
perfection. I think when people say perfection, what they mean is
forgiving. Try going down a straight in F1CS, ram on the brakes, and see
how many cars behind pile into you. The answer is none! No matter how
close they are, they all go round you. Realistic or what? Let's see a
driver try that at Montreal on sunday! Miss a gear in real F1 and you've got
someone up your ass!
> > > Maybe you and some of the others who complain about getting hit just
> suck
> > so
> > > fu**en bad that the AI can't deal with your shitty driving?
> > LOL! You are clearly morphing into the "Ubisoft mentality" DGF, that
> AI
> > doesn't suck, it's the real drivers who do. Yep even when we start at
> > back and watch the mega carnage in T1 on the first lap 70% of the time.
> My game doesn't do that for some reason. It doesn't do that for others
> either. The "learning AI" must be learning some bad traits from some of