
Where's the damn F1RC patch!!!!!!


Where's the damn F1RC patch!!!!!!

by ymenar » Fri, 08 Jun 2001 11:39:05

> Yep, Papy sure did a great thing by taking two months to release a patch
> N4

Actually, there was a patch released for N4 a day or two after it was on the

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
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Thom j

Where's the damn F1RC patch!!!!!!

by Thom j » Fri, 08 Jun 2001 13:38:43

Kevin, Ur soo bad!! lol Are you trolling, spinning or flying??..hahaha

| And the large, juicy Royal Wulff floats down the stream, a perfect drift
| free presentation and. . . YES! A rise, and it's hooked!
| Now for the fight.

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Thom j

Where's the damn F1RC patch!!!!!!

by Thom j » Fri, 08 Jun 2001 14:27:17

Did you get all this insight & again distorted data from your last Ubi-Stock
Holders meeting? huh? huh?huh? <G> This is getting to easy

| Although, since only about .005% of the people who bought either title
| peed their pants over the patches, then the developers/publishers probably
| shouldn't feel too bad.
| David G Fisher

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Michael R Sisso

Where's the damn F1RC patch!!!!!!

by Michael R Sisso » Fri, 08 Jun 2001 14:53:02

Can you afford to be handing out brain tissue?


LOAD "GPL",8,1


Where's the damn F1RC patch!!!!!!

by Nos » Fri, 08 Jun 2001 15:10:08

The AI  crashes into each other on a regular basis, no help from me
needed. Explain that one Einstien.

Me too, you poopy head.


Where's the damn F1RC patch!!!!!!

by Nos » Fri, 08 Jun 2001 15:11:54

On Thu, 07 Jun 2001 00:30:12 GMT, "chainbreaker"

>I think he's got an application in for a Ubi PR job.  Maybe he can get us a
>discount on F1RC2 when it's released.

Probably not, but I'm sure he'll get a free copy for service beyond

Where's the damn F1RC patch!!!!!!

by Nos » Fri, 08 Jun 2001 15:18:26

The other 99.995% put the game on the shelf to collect dust.

It's us .005% who keep the industry in check. We, the internet
soldiers, who are willing to give up our social lives to make ***
better for all mankind. We, the few, oh so brave.


Where's the damn F1RC patch!!!!!!

by Nos » Fri, 08 Jun 2001 15:20:33

Not until after IL-2 Sturmovik and Lock On are released I hope.

Jan Verschuere

Where's the damn F1RC patch!!!!!!

by Jan Verschuere » Sat, 09 Jun 2001 00:39:55

Lock On ?

"Pay attention when I'm talking to you boy!" -Foghorn Leghorn.

Jan Verschuere

Where's the damn F1RC patch!!!!!!

by Jan Verschuere » Sat, 09 Jun 2001 00:45:43

Besides acknowledgement of the bug(s) and them having people on the job,
there was nothing we needed to know. It's that trust thingy again... pretty
amazing stuff, ain't it? ;-)

"Pay attention when I'm talking to you boy!" -Foghorn Leghorn.

Jan Verschuere

Where's the damn F1RC patch!!!!!!

by Jan Verschuere » Sat, 09 Jun 2001 00:50:31

Explain something to me... how come a bugfix needs to be checked when the
actual game, containing the bug(s) and therefore not a good representation
of F1, was passed for release?

I don't buy the FIA approval story. I would buy "it's proving more difficult
than we anticipated", but saying that would diminish their manlyhood, I
guess. <g>

"Pay attention when I'm talking to you boy!" -Foghorn Leghorn.


Ian Riche

Where's the damn F1RC patch!!!!!!

by Ian Riche » Sat, 09 Jun 2001 00:50:51

Lock On is the next in the Flanker series - and will feature flyable Western
Aircraft (F15C and A10 to be precise) as well as a wider assortment of
Eastern hardware.


Iain Mackenzi

Where's the damn F1RC patch!!!!!!

by Iain Mackenzi » Sat, 09 Jun 2001 03:47:22

I know I get sucked into these ludicrously irrational threads at times
myself, but the best thing to do is try to ignore it.
It's still pretty weird though that some people experience this mega carnage
at T1 (regardless of circuit?) so often.  Certainly doesn't happen with me,
you or many others.  Do you think it's a setting issue somewhere?
Although we know the AI isn't right (although nothing like as bad as some of
the people say on ras) it's interesting to compare with F1CS (my current 2nd
favourite modern F1) which a lot of people here say the AI is near to
perfection.  I think when people say perfection, what they mean is
forgiving.  Try going down a straight in F1CS, ram on the brakes, and see
how many cars behind pile into you.  The answer is none!  No matter how
close they are, they all go round you.  Realistic or what?  Let's see a
driver try that at Montreal on sunday! Miss a gear in real F1 and you've got
someone up your ass!

> > > Maybe you and some of the others who complain about getting hit just
> suck
> > so
> > > fu**en bad that the AI can't deal with your shitty driving?

> > LOL!  You are clearly morphing into the "Ubisoft mentality" DGF, that
> AI
> > doesn't suck, it's the real drivers who do.  Yep even when we start at
> > back and watch the mega carnage in T1 on the first lap 70% of the time.

> My game doesn't do that for some reason. It doesn't do that for others
> either. The "learning AI" must be learning some bad traits from some of


Thom j

Where's the damn F1RC patch!!!!!!

by Thom j » Sat, 09 Jun 2001 08:28:18

Of course they will!!! It's called F1RC2...hahahaha

| David G Fisher wrote...
| > Ubi Soft has said there will be a patch and it will be released
| > when it's ready and approved by the FIA. Bad Ubi.
| <snip>

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Ed Solhei

Where's the damn F1RC patch!!!!!!

by Ed Solhei » Sat, 09 Jun 2001 11:06:37

This makes me curious.....

Does NASCAR have to check/"okey" the patches for N4?
Or what about all the teams? Do they have to okey a patch?  I mean all of
And then what about the manufacturers - there's another 5 that clearly got a
say.  Not forgetting the driver's ofcourse..  add another 40 or so that have
to say the magic word. Then there's the track owners and then th... - oh,
wait -  no - thats all I think.

Did Ferrari, Ford, Lotus, AAR etc. have to approve the patches for GPL??

Why the hell does the FIA have to "okey" a patch to F1RC???  Afaik - they
dont even own the commercial rights to F1!  Nor is sim-racing a
FIA-sanctioned "sport".

I cannot understand why on earth FIA has to approve a *patch* to a game??
I mean - I seriously doubt that the FAA have to approve patches for MS

Return address is *not* my own - but the e-mail address to some spammers
that has bothered me one time to many!  This weeks winners:

> Since Papyrus's "way" of doing things was laughable as well, then I would
> say both approaches should be scrapped in the future. Ubi Soft has said
> there will be a patch and it will be released when it's ready and approved
> by the FIA. Bad Ubi.