What's the matter (M)***!!...don't like to hear the truth! You get your
fact straight. I was there ***!. Where were you? shitting in your
pants!!Where you hiding behind your mommy and daddy too like yr lovers Bush,
Cheany, Limbaugh and Henady?, oh I know, you have a big boil on your ass
and you couldn't go..that's it!! like Limbaugh!! I've seen you spurt your
***here like you are some know it all!!..you ain't shit Mitch!! you are a
***!! Now go fight bush's war you ***!!...be a man!! stop talking shit
and do the walking go to Iraq. You freaking neo-cons are all the same, and
you make me and the rest of the world sick!! You Neo-Republicans don't have
guts!! admit it you little chicken hawk....Now go back to your trailer
> Maybe you should get your facts straight and quit pushing that "bullshit
> line" from the seventies into the age of Google. 86% of the men who died
> in Vietnam were Caucasians, 12.5% were black, 1.2% were other races.
> You are nothing but a Howard Dean parrot of the tinfoil hat variety. In
> other words a ***ing liar with a pony tail...
> The same was said of Abe Lincoln during his tenure...
> What was the alternatives again? Gore and Kerry.... Yea things would be
> so much better in the world with either as President, LOLOLOL. Kerry just
> said so much the other day....
> Bye Ernie, back in your fn hut to roll another....
>> Funny how all these Bush lovers talk about war. Most of these chiken
>> hawks hid behind their mommies and daddy's to avoid the Vietnam war. We
>> us poor minorities(I'm Puerto Rican, 1965 Vietnam Vet (2) tours) didn't
>> have such luck like these ***s that are now running the government.
>> You want war, then go over and join the outsource military and go to
>> Iraq/Afgan and fight Bush's war. Please prove me wrong that you are not
>> chicken hawks! go and fight to protect America!!. Boy, what an and
>> embarrassment of a president he is. Everytime he speaks, I just can't
>> believe Americans voted for this idiot! 2008 can't come soon enough!!
>> Peace!!