Hi there,
I`ve just bought the excellent Interstate 76, but I`m having trouble
setting it up my Grand Prix 1 steering wheel. I`m using the supplied
adapter because windows 95 doesn`t recognise it without it. The
steering left-right is ok, but I`m having trouble setting up the
throttle/brake. When I test the configuration after setting up, the
cross is in the centre horizontally, but only a quarter of the way
from the bottom vertically. When I then press the throttle the cross
moves up to the middle then jumps to the top. This results in the car
not accelerating properly and I can`t even achieve a fast speed. I
have set up the game with a joystick and the configuration was perfect
and the car really flew. There's nothing wrong with the wheel as it
runs all my other driving games really well. It just don`t like
windows 95.
Have you got this or a similar problem?
Is there a windows 95 joystick driver for the wheel?
Is there another way around the problem?
Please help if you can, as I really want to use the wheel for this
Best regards,
-If it ain`t broke don`t fix it-