: >I just installed World Circuit on my system and it won't run.
: >
: >The hardware is a 386-16 with 640K base and 5M extended memory.
: >The software is MS-DOS 6.something.
: >
: >I have created a boot disk which only sets up the HIMEM driver, 20 BUFFERS
: >and 10 FILES. CHKDSK shows the free memory at 585K and World Circuit
: >says that this is not enough. DOS is brain-dead and all, but the
: >Microprose should have been able to figure out a way to write the software
: >so it needs so much base memory.
: >
: >So, anyone know any tricks to get around this?
: >
: You could try getting rid of the 'BUFFERS=20' line, and make sure you load DOS
: high.
: _________________________________________________________________
: David Zuidema \
: Monash University Physics dept. / New improved sig.
: Melbourne Australia \
: -----------------------------------------------------------------
Try un - dblspacing your hard disk, if it is in the first place that is.
I've had the same problem with a few games and that seems to solve it.
Kelvin Pope, Network Technician, Computing Centre, Mols 1
" You're Arm Is At Risk If You Place It In Fast Moving Machinery "