I meant one that had the capabilities of the Rendition, 3Dfx, D3D,
M3D, and Voodoo cards...why not just make a standard card that does
what all these do and can be updated with drivers? If they can make a
relatively inexpensive 300mhz computer (Compaq 4850, cost: $2999.99
w/o monitor, several other brands in that range too), I know they can
get a card to do all that.
Mike Frazer
>> Why can't there just be a set standard for 3D acceleration? It seems
>> like to get full capabilities, you need 5 different video
>> cards...sheesh!!!!!
>Nope - just one, a 3dfx card ... look at the canopus ?sp? card .. 6mb of
>memory. It's the only one you need ...
#11 American Airlines/STP/MBNA Ford, IGN
Prime Time Motorsports