I use my T2 for Nascar 2, and when I calibrate, either in Control Panel
or in N2 itself, there is no noticeable dead zone. However, when
racing, there is definitely one and it's rather large. The only
conculsion I have been able to reach is that this is not a controller
issue, it's basically a CPU speed/frame rate issue. The game was
borderline unplayable on my old 486/100. It got better on a P166,
better still on a P2-266, and is now alost acceptable on a C400 with a
66MHz FSB, though the dead zone is still there and is enough to cost a
race under certain door-to-door driving scenarios. Has ANYONE managed
in any way to eliminate this deadzone with a T2? Since N2 doesn't use
Direct X (does it?) the Direct Input fix does not apply. My steering
pot has been replaced and is clean as a whistle. There is zero slop in
the mechanical connection between the wheel and the pot. One thing that
seems to have helped is replacing my Montego sound card with a bargain
SB64, the old analog game port seems to be better than the Montego's
"digital" one (anybody else run into this?). Any and all suggestions or
advice much appreciated. Thanks for your time.
Don't let the bastards grind you down.
Doug Schneider
Bedford, Nova Scotia