were selling cheaper than wholesale cost (paid CDN$199), cost is approx CDN
$245. I haven't yet done the squash ball mod, but plan to.
Overall, I'm impressed with the wheel, the quality of construction, etc.
One question I have though is about the FF effects in Need for Speed:
Porsche Unleashed. I used to play this game with my Logitech Strike Force
3D joystick, and I could feel differences between the pavement and the
dirt, etc. Collisions were also very apparent. With the MOMO, I get the
engine feel, but not a whole lot else. I've tried going into Windows and
setting the FF effects right up to 150%, but other than making the engine
feel more apparent, the other effects seem to be missing. I'm obviously
missing something here. BTW, I'm running WinXP and the latest Logitech
Can anyone shed some light on this problem?