In the Taladega track DIR open "taladega.txt"
Look for the line that says SPDWY ??
change the 1 to a 0
close everything and answer yes to the changes.
This removes the restrictor plate.
Now try DEGA.
Is your gas pedal going all the way down? Is it calibrated?
I have an excelent setup that I got off the Pit's web site. I can
email it to you if you want to try it.
To reply by email, please take out the
words REMOVETHIS from my email address
begin 644 Taladega.stg
>>When running at Talledaga I cannot get speeds over 170mph on the back
>>stretch. I've used several different set-up's off the internet and still
>>nothing. I qualify dead last and run dead last being lapped once or twice
>>the leader. PLEASE help.
>>My car file settings are the same and in-line with the rest of the field.
>>I've checked to see if a file is missing and have replaced suspect files.
>In the Taladega track DIR open "taladega.txt"
>Look for the line that says SPDWY ??
>change the 1 to a 0
>close everything and answer yes to the changes.
>This removes the restrictor plate.
>Now try DEGA.