NASCAR2 very slow car?


NASCAR2 very slow car?

by Colomb » Tue, 22 Sep 1998 04:00:00

When running at Talledaga I cannot get speeds over 170mph on the back
stretch. I've used several different set-up's off the internet and still
nothing. I qualify dead last and run dead last being lapped once or twice by
the leader. PLEASE help.
My car file settings are the same and in-line with the rest of the field.
I've checked to see if a file is missing and have replaced suspect files.
MindSpring Use

NASCAR2 very slow car?

by MindSpring Use » Tue, 22 Sep 1998 04:00:00

>When running at Talledaga I cannot get speeds over 170mph on the back
>stretch. I've used several different set-up's off the internet and still
>nothing. I qualify dead last and run dead last being lapped once or twice
>the leader. PLEASE help.
>My car file settings are the same and in-line with the rest of the field.
>I've checked to see if a file is missing and have replaced suspect files.

>I had same problem was my pedal settings.  Keep re-calibrating

till you get it right.
Good Luck ,
Tim McArthu

NASCAR2 very slow car?

by Tim McArthu » Wed, 23 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Had the same problem with mine a while back. I deleted the "calib.val" file
out of the Nascar2 directory, and re-calibrated the wheel and it worked
fine. I guess sometimes that file gets corrupted and it just needs to be
(back up the file, dont go deleting things 'cause I said so)

>When running at Talledaga I cannot get speeds over 170mph on the back
>stretch. I've used several different set-up's off the internet and still
>nothing. I qualify dead last and run dead last being lapped once or twice
>the leader. PLEASE help.
>My car file settings are the same and in-line with the rest of the field.
>I've checked to see if a file is missing and have replaced suspect files.


NASCAR2 very slow car?

by Bret » Wed, 23 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Check to make sure breaking asist. isn't on either. Whats your 4th gear set
at? And, as the other post said, check your calibration. One thing I do during
calibration, I do NOT put the peddle all the way down when calibrating. That
way, when I do put it all the way down while racing, I know I am getting the
full throw of the peddle, for max RPM's.

                        Brett (TEN ID - Elrioch)

"Close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades,
this aint either."
                                Ted Musgrave

"Only one can win. 40 some odd guys are going to go
home losers."

Big Dadd

NASCAR2 very slow car?

by Big Dadd » Wed, 23 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Make sure you have the "help" setting OFF. You really shouldn't need any
braking or steering help at Dega.
If you would like, I can e-mail you my "set-up" which I can usually run
203-207 down the straightway.


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