Driver or NFS 4 ?

R.H. Sambel

Driver or NFS 4 ?

by R.H. Sambel » Tue, 16 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I don't know what to buy:
Driver or Need For Speed: High Stakes

If you know the answer, I'd really want to know about it!!!!


Driver or NFS 4 ?

by Jeroe » Tue, 16 Nov 1999 04:00:00

If you want beautiful awesome graphics, get NFS 4. If you want outrageous
driving, something different, get Driver.
NFS 4 is really beautiful, but after driving the courses a few times, you
are left with a game like there are many others.
Driver is something totally different. It has some nice sub-games (I like
the pursuit game the most: the main part of the game is quit frustrating,
but if they'd sold the game with sub-games only, I'd still would have bough
After driving through the streets of Driver (or Midtown Madness), NFS 4 (and
all other arcade games with the old fashioned tracks) becomes quit a
claustrophobic experience. I don't know what driving games you already got
on your computer. If you already have some old fashioned (arcade) racers I'd
recommend Driver. You can always buy NFS 4 cheap, because the follow up is
coming soon, and I expect this game in the bargain bin within a few months.
(Well, nowadays almost EVERY game can be found in the bargain bin within
months, but if you want a game NOW, I'd recommend get Driver.) Much more fun
for your bucks.
BTW There is an excellent Driver Configuration utility (free) which enables
you to create your won missions: very cool!



Driver or NFS 4 ?

by gungadung » Tue, 16 Nov 1999 04:00:00

where ? where? where?

Brian Fo

Driver or NFS 4 ?

by Brian Fo » Tue, 16 Nov 1999 04:00:00

From what I've heard, NFS4 was pretty disappointing, and none of the NFS
games since the original have had anything resembling good car handling.
I'd vote for Driver.  (Though I'm hoping for good things from NFS:

Brian Fox
If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal.

>I don't know what to buy:
>Driver or Need For Speed: High Stakes

>If you know the answer, I'd really want to know about it!!!!


Driver or NFS 4 ?

by Jeroe » Wed, 17 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Here.. here... here...
It's an absolute must have!


> > BTW There is an excellent Driver Configuration utility (free) which
> enables
> > you to create your won missions: very cool!

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