Well, here's one I hadn't seen before. Logged on tonight and tried to join
a 'dega race, got to the "Session" screen and got "Incompatible Track!"
message and was booted back to the scheduler.
Ya know, a $60 phone bill for about 20 minutes of racing (out of 197
minutes of LD time) was bad enough. Waiting in the scheduler for races to
form for 5-10-15 minutes was bad enough. Finding very few races for
skill level 0 that WEREN'T at Talladega was bad enough. But getting booted
out of a race with a message I've never seen before takes the cake!
I have the standard NASCAR track setups, I haven't modified 'dega except as
shown in 'THe Pits" (i.e. restrictor plate and faste opponents) so I don't
get it. Or is that all it takes?
Frankly, Hawaii is becoming a major disappointment. Or am I missing
something here?
Bob Landry
"So long....and thanks for all the fish!"