% I have just got screamer 2 and am having problems getting it to work
% properly with an analog joystick.
% When I do the control selection, it detects the joystick OK, and the
% calibration all seems to work, but in the game it seems to treat it as
% a digital input - the wheels turn to full lock as soon as I move the
% steering control. I also noticed if I go back into the setup program, the
% control is configured as 'joypad' rather than 'joystick'.
% I don't have a dedicated game card but I haven't had problems with other
% games. I have tried a thrustmaster GP1 and a normal joystick and both
% give the same results.
% What's the score here? does screamer 2 actually support analog input
% devices or am I doing something wrong?
I am not sure that the following posts culled from the r.a.s. archives
address your concerns, but here's hoping:
Date: 1997/07/01
Newsgroups: rec.autos.simulators
> If anybody could tell me how to have a T2 work with Screamer 2, i'd be
> glad to know, cause i've tried a 100 ways and it is still crap.
> I have the (T2) version with the adaptor plug.
(Logitech Wingman) first, saved it, shut down, plug in T2, start
Screamer 2. Working fine!! :-)
No prob! HTH
Date: 1996/12/30
Newsgroups: rec.autos.simulators
I got S2 working with my T2 and GP1 here's how:
Connect a standard joystick and run the setup program and calibrate.
You should get two calibrate bars: Up/Down and Left/Right, now connect
your T2(w/adaptor) and rerun setup and calibrate it, the up/down bar
should now be present allowing you to calibrate your pedals!
Dave Worley
Date: 1997/01/13
Newsgroups: rec.autos.simulators
There is a file on my site that may help. Go to the URL below:
This file is for the T2 but it may be of use...
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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