F1 2000 is superb !!!!

Andre Warring

F1 2000 is superb !!!!

by Andre Warring » Sun, 19 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Yes, but ofcourse that doesn't change the physics of the car, the
sounds, the setups or anything else in the game now does it?
So stating that you can't accurately "analyse" or "test" a pirated
copy is nonsense.
The only thing you can't "analyse" or "test" are the movies and music.
But I couldn't care less actually, the movies and music of Lemans were


>If they had to take out the movies and music, they had to
>patch files to do so. Final version or not

>> Complete nonsense, only files missing are mostly movies and music. The
>> game itself is the final version.

>> Andre

>> >Anyone who tries to use a pirated version of a game to
>> >"analyse" and "test" it is asking for inconsistant results.

>> >Things are missing, files have been patched, etc etc..


F1 2000 is superb !!!!

by Mrv » Sun, 19 Mar 2000 04:00:00

The only thing ripped is the Anim when the game starts.  Everything is their.

> Anyone who tries to use a pirated version of a game to
> "analyse" and "test" it is asking for inconsistant results.

> Things are missing, files have been patched, etc etc..

> > I have a problem in that whenever I hit a wall or another car - where
> damage
> > would come into play - F1 2000 crashes out to Win98 desktop.  I'm running
> a
> > PII 400 Voodoo3-2000 clocked and cooled at 170Mhz.  I'm curious as to
> > whether or not anyone else is experiencing this.

> > A couple more comments: Even at 1024x768 the graphics look pretty mediocre
> > IMO.  I think that D3D on a 3DFX card just isn't up to what we used to see
> > with Glide.  At least not in this sim.  Also the Force Feedback is almost
> > completely absent.  And the canned sound effect when you run over the
> curbs
> > is very lame.  I tried to start a race and got about 5 FPS until I bumped
> > another car (damage) and crashed out again.

> > When I get the chance I guess I'll turn off damage and see if my
> speculation
> > is correct.  As far as Internet play is concerned.  If the FPS drop is
> > anything like what I saw in the race with full field, I would venture to
> > guess it will be a disaster...

> > BTW - if these issues can be worked out - I'll probably buy this title.
> If
> > not, I'll be removing it.

> > --Devon

> > > Hey, I'm interested into how complex the damage model is.  After being
> > > disappointed by the cookie-cutter damage models in GP2 and F1RS, I am
> > hoping
> > > for something a lot better when I finish this huge download of this
> > game...
> > > So, could someone please do me a favor?  I'd appreciate it if someone
> > would go
> > > backwards and slam into the AI cars at high speed at Hockenheim or Monza
> > and
> > > get a screenshot of the carnage.  :)

> > > Dan Belcher
> > > Team Racing Unlimited
> > >


F1 2000 is superb !!!!

by Mrv » Sun, 19 Mar 2000 04:00:00

The only thing missing is the Intro. Who the hell cares!!!

> If they had to take out the movies and music, they had to
> patch files to do so. Final version or not

> > Complete nonsense, only files missing are mostly movies and music. The
> > game itself is the final version.

> > Andre

> > >Anyone who tries to use a pirated version of a game to
> > >"analyse" and "test" it is asking for inconsistant results.

> > >Things are missing, files have been patched, etc etc..


F1 2000 is superb !!!!

by Nick » Sun, 19 Mar 2000 04:00:00

On Sat, 18 Mar 2000 00:13:52 +0100, Andre Warringa

>Complete nonsense, only files missing are mostly movies and music. The
>game itself is the final version.


According to the myth.nfo the class and evil-iso releases are betas.
Cliff Roma

F1 2000 is superb !!!!

by Cliff Roma » Sun, 19 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Hehe, looks like in addition to the Intro, you are also
missing the final product. Hahaha

Go play with your pirated version

> The only thing missing is the Intro. Who the hell cares!!!

> > If they had to take out the movies and music, they had to
> > patch files to do so. Final version or not

> > > Complete nonsense, only files missing are mostly movies and music. The
> > > game itself is the final version.

> > > Andre

> > > >Anyone who tries to use a pirated version of a game to
> > > >"analyse" and "test" it is asking for inconsistant results.

> > > >Things are missing, files have been patched, etc etc..

Cliff Roma

F1 2000 is superb !!!!

by Cliff Roma » Sun, 19 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Now what were you saying about it being the Final version?

> Complete nonsense, only files missing are mostly movies and music. The
> game itself is the final version.

> Andre

> >Anyone who tries to use a pirated version of a game to
> >"analyse" and "test" it is asking for inconsistant results.

> >Things are missing, files have been patched, etc etc..

Alain Potsk

F1 2000 is superb !!!!

by Alain Potsk » Sun, 19 Mar 2000 04:00:00

>demo?  sorry.. none yet.  how about a full riped copy for now.  Take a test


now it's dead :0(
>as with all warez "if you like\respect it, buy it."


>> Is there a URL where the demo can be downloaded?

>> Did the cars drive like MGPRS2?

>> Slot

>> > A friend of mine downloaded it from the internet to test it.
>> > He is evil, I know.
>> > But, I played it, and DAMN WHAT A SIM !!!!
>> > I never expected it to be this good!
>> > I only played it for about ten minutes, but with all the help
>> > functions off, I couldn't drive one lap around Monza without
>> > completely crashing my car, reminding me of my first days with GPL :)

>> > Graphically superb and very smooth, sound is a little less impressive
>> > but I'm sure people will make beter engine sounds for it, and my first
>> > impression of the physics are simply amazing. Again, that's the first
>> > impression, I didn't have time to do all sorts of stunts to test the
>> > physics.

>> > The only thing that was a little dissappointing was the force
>> > feedback, I only could feel the curbes, but maybe that can be adjusted
>> > somewhere. As I said, I couldn't check out all the features in those
>> > ten minutes.

>> > Oh, and it does support more than one controller at the same time :)

>> > I can't wait until this game is in the stores! To hell with GP3, I
>> > want F1 2000 !!!

>> > Andre,

>> > EA Sports propaganda department,
>> >

>> > (nah, just kidding, it's really that good!)


F1 2000 is superb !!!!

by Mrv » Sun, 19 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Works fine for me.  I like to try before I  buy.  You wouldn't  go into a
dealership and buy a new car without test driving it would you?

> Hehe, looks like in addition to the Intro, you are also
> missing the final product. Hahaha

> Go play with your pirated version

> > The only thing missing is the Intro. Who the hell cares!!!

> > > If they had to take out the movies and music, they had to
> > > patch files to do so. Final version or not

> > > > Complete nonsense, only files missing are mostly movies and music. The
> > > > game itself is the final version.

> > > > Andre

> > > > >Anyone who tries to use a pirated version of a game to
> > > > >"analyse" and "test" it is asking for inconsistant results.

> > > > >Things are missing, files have been patched, etc etc..

Cliff Roma

F1 2000 is superb !!!!

by Cliff Roma » Sun, 19 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Test driving a car is not illegal is it?

I am not going to keep going into this with you.

Pirating software is illegal. If your morals allow you to do
that, then it is up to you.

I personally think it is wrong and will not "steal" software.

Go do what you need to do

> Works fine for me.  I like to try before I  buy.  You wouldn't  go into a
> dealership and buy a new car without test driving it would you?

> > Hehe, looks like in addition to the Intro, you are also
> > missing the final product. Hahaha

> > Go play with your pirated version

> > > The only thing missing is the Intro. Who the hell cares!!!

> > > > If they had to take out the movies and music, they had to
> > > > patch files to do so. Final version or not

> > > > > Complete nonsense, only files missing are mostly movies and music.
> > > > > game itself is the final version.

> > > > > Andre

> > > > > On Fri, 17 Mar 2000 22:17:25 GMT, "Cliff Roman"

- Show quoted text -

> > > > > >Anyone who tries to use a pirated version of a game to
> > > > > >"analyse" and "test" it is asking for inconsistant results.

> > > > > >Things are missing, files have been patched, etc etc..


F1 2000 is superb !!!!

by Mrv » Sun, 19 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Trust me on this one I ain't feeling guilty!!!

> Test driving a car is not illegal is it?

> I am not going to keep going into this with you.

> Pirating software is illegal. If your morals allow you to do
> that, then it is up to you.

> I personally think it is wrong and will not "steal" software.

> Go do what you need to do

> > Works fine for me.  I like to try before I  buy.  You wouldn't  go into a
> > dealership and buy a new car without test driving it would you?

> > > Hehe, looks like in addition to the Intro, you are also
> > > missing the final product. Hahaha

> > > Go play with your pirated version

> > > > The only thing missing is the Intro. Who the hell cares!!!

> > > > > If they had to take out the movies and music, they had to
> > > > > patch files to do so. Final version or not

> > > > > > Complete nonsense, only files missing are mostly movies and music.
> The
> > > > > > game itself is the final version.

> > > > > > Andre

> > > > > > On Fri, 17 Mar 2000 22:17:25 GMT, "Cliff Roman"

> > > > > > >Anyone who tries to use a pirated version of a game to
> > > > > > >"analyse" and "test" it is asking for inconsistant results.

> > > > > > >Things are missing, files have been patched, etc etc..


F1 2000 is superb !!!!

by ben » Sun, 19 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Guys who whine about Warez and say they won't ever download it because
they have morals are just wussies, plain and simple, you're the guys
we real men walk all over in life.

>Test driving a car is not illegal is it?

>I am not going to keep going into this with you.

>Pirating software is illegal. If your morals allow you to do
>that, then it is up to you.

>I personally think it is wrong and will not "steal" software.

>Go do what you need to do

>> Works fine for me.  I like to try before I  buy.  You wouldn't  go into a
>> dealership and buy a new car without test driving it would you?

>> > Hehe, looks like in addition to the Intro, you are also
>> > missing the final product. Hahaha

>> > Go play with your pirated version

>> > > The only thing missing is the Intro. Who the hell cares!!!

>> > > > If they had to take out the movies and music, they had to
>> > > > patch files to do so. Final version or not

>> > > > > Complete nonsense, only files missing are mostly movies and music.
>> > > > > game itself is the final version.

>> > > > > Andre

>> > > > > On Fri, 17 Mar 2000 22:17:25 GMT, "Cliff Roman"

>> > > > > >Anyone who tries to use a pirated version of a game to
>> > > > > >"analyse" and "test" it is asking for inconsistant results.

>> > > > > >Things are missing, files have been patched, etc etc..

Cliff Roma

F1 2000 is superb !!!!

by Cliff Roma » Sun, 19 Mar 2000 04:00:00

You consider yourself a real man cause you download


> Guys who whine about Warez and say they won't ever download it because
> they have morals are just wussies, plain and simple, you're the guys
> we real men walk all over in life.

> >Test driving a car is not illegal is it?

> >I am not going to keep going into this with you.

> >Pirating software is illegal. If your morals allow you to do
> >that, then it is up to you.

> >I personally think it is wrong and will not "steal" software.

> >Go do what you need to do

> >> Works fine for me.  I like to try before I  buy.  You wouldn't  go into
> >> dealership and buy a new car without test driving it would you?

> >> > Hehe, looks like in addition to the Intro, you are also
> >> > missing the final product. Hahaha

> >> > Go play with your pirated version

> >> > > The only thing missing is the Intro. Who the hell cares!!!

> >> > > > If they had to take out the movies and music, they had to
> >> > > > patch files to do so. Final version or not

> >> > > > > Complete nonsense, only files missing are mostly movies and
> >The
> >> > > > > game itself is the final version.

> >> > > > > Andre

> >> > > > > On Fri, 17 Mar 2000 22:17:25 GMT, "Cliff Roman"

> >> > > > > >Anyone who tries to use a pirated version of a game to
> >> > > > > >"analyse" and "test" it is asking for inconsistant results.

> >> > > > > >Things are missing, files have been patched, etc etc..


F1 2000 is superb !!!!

by J » Mon, 20 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Thx for the review



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Bruce Kennewel

F1 2000 is superb !!!!

by Bruce Kennewel » Mon, 20 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Certainly not!
But then...that's called a "demo" and is provided by the dealer.....not by
someone who's sneaked into his showroom one night and pinched a car.

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.


F1 2000 is superb !!!!

by J » Tue, 21 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Thx for the review



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