To all you gurus with an inside track to Microsoft/TRI: Would
you please report this little bug?
I go the the "Realism" menu, and select a race length of 10%.
I go to race at one of the tracks that has an easy number of
laps to divide by 10 (Milwaukee 200, Michigan 250, Elkhart
Lake 50, and Fontana 250), and when I go to race, I get race
lengths of 19, 24, 4, and 24 laps respectively... Happens
every time...
At Michigan, I tried a few other settings with similar results:
15% = 29 laps instead of 30
40% = 99 laps instead of 100
60% = 149 laps instead of 150,
80% = 199 laps instead of 200...
50% races are correctly 125 laps and 100% races are
correctly 250 laps, however...
This is after installing the public beta patch. I don't know if this
bug was there before I patched it or not - I don't remember it
being there...
Oh - in light of the old Pentium math bug debacle, I might
mention that I have a Pentium II, 266 MHz computer... ;-)
One more thing - would someone *please* tell Bob "No Turbos"
Varsha that they no longer start 3 wide at Michigan? Thanks!!!
- Mike.
Mike Holthouse - Indianapolis, IN
My new philosophy is to never explain my
philosophies. I wish I could tell you why.