> > New driving views for all cars (high***pit view), also coming soon
> > "realistic"-versions(between high&original)
> > (By Olli Suominen, author of 69' carset)
> > &
> > (NEW!)High-resolution dash for Lotus & Cooper
> > &
> > Redline-versions for fantastic GPLEA***pits(Brabham & Ferrari, thanks
> > GPLEA, great work :)
> > &
> > "easy"-Links to GPLEA +***pitshop, Get simply the best dashes
> > from here:
> > http://www.racesimcentral.net/
> > No....I don't get paid for this, really ;)
I've tried all the new high views for all the cars currently out. And
some of them were a little to high for me. Well, GPLEA released modified
high views for the Ferrari and Brabham. Now it's just perfect.
These new views have really helped me find my braking points.
Joel Willstein
>Joel Willstein
Don Scurlock
All in all, kudos to whomever is responsible for the new views, but
after driving with the default views for so long, I find it's hard to
use anything else. I think it all comes down to what you learn with,
and how much difficulty you have with the default views. At any rate,
this is a WONDERFUL addition to GPL that could/should have easily been
included in the retail version. Again, thanks to whomever is
-- JB
> I've tried all the new high views for all the cars currently out.
> some of them were a little to high for me. Well, GPLEA released
> high views for the Ferrari and Brabham. Now it's just perfect.
> These new views have really helped me find my braking points.
> Joel Willstein
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Good piont, that's exactly why I got back to default view.
Also, I feel somewhat "exposed," like I'm precariously balanced
You *are* already decapitated! Check a replay: they didn't just change the
hight of the camera, they changed the hight of the drivers head, so it is
detached from it's shoulders. It's a silly sight.
Yep, nice add-on but I prefer the original.