Sat., Dec. 4th. The series consists of five CTS oval races, followed by five
GTP road course races.
The schedule is as follows: CTS -- 12/4 Milwaukee PWF, 12/11 Thompson PWF,
12/18 Nashville PWF, 1/1 IRP PWF and 1/8 Texas. GTP--1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5,
2/12. GTP tracks are TBA.
The CTS race settings are 50%, yellow flags on, fixed PWF expert setups.
We race on Saturdays, with the main race qualifying beginning at 4:30pm est.
We also run a practice race at 3pm est.
If interested in racing with us, go to the RASCAR forum,
sierra ID, truck number (one that's not already in use), and also post a
truck file if you have one. RASCAR home page is here
David G Fisher