Jan: I've been playing racing games since 1989. So I don't consider myself a
newbie! I don't think I have ever played a game as much and for so long as
Grand Prix (1) on my Atari 1024 ST, which was considered the sim of sims at
that time. As someone said: arcade games are fun, but after seeing the
beautiful graphics for a few laps and unlocking everything there is to unlock,
the fun is usually over. Nice for a ride every now and then, but not something
you play every day. This year I played a lot of Toca 2 (sim or arcade...?). At
first I couldn't finish a single lap but after some practice I became pretty
good (I'd like to think that anyway :-). And now the game is SO easy.
Incredible. But still fun (specially when running an (offline) championship:
became nr. 2 twice in the final standings!). Anyway, in the past 10 years I
mastered every game I played. Except Nascar 3. That's what got me frustrated.
But not too much, really. As I said, I wasn't as desperate as I sounded in my
first message: I also liked to see what reactions a message titled 'Nascar 3
sucks' would get :-) The funny thing is, I keep on coming back to N3, because I
WANT to get it under control. And I guess that's what makes a game good... I
think it's indeed time to relax and enjoy the game, instead of trying to be as
good as everyone else is/seems to be! Maybe that way I will finally make some
progress. And if not: who cares, as long as I have fun!
P.S. Don't flame me when I'll post another frustrated message tonight, after
being kicked off the tracked once again ;-)