Those were taken at 16 bit color, 2 x FSAA, GF2Ti, 800 x 600, all graphics
maxed except circuit detail was set to high instead of full. The***pit is
the default FOV that ships with the game. No detail levels were tweaked. The
only change I've made to the game so far is that I'm using Ralph Hummerich's
2002 car set.
The screens actually look even better before they are converted to a jpeg.
David G Fisher
> Those are great looking shots. It never seems to look that good on my
> PC. Are you using 32 bit color? And what about FSAA? Also I wonder if
> you tweaked the detail levels. And is it my imagination or are you
> using a narrower than normal FOV in the***pit?
> > Yes, that's from my PC. That's with a GF2Ti and at only 800 x 600.
> Looks
> > even better at higher res, and I'm sure a GF4 would add a little bit
> to it
> > as well. I just added some more screenshots for you.
> > David G Fisher