Yep I saw it on before xmas and nearly bought it, 8.99!
Why oh why didn't I click?! They have sold out now!! I've ordered it
anyway, just have to wait a couple of weeks.
I guess I wanted some of the latest games to go with my shiny new PC
(w/Geforce Ultra!) and can a game over 2 years old be any good?!
Only problem is I have a Sidewinder FF2 joystick, that any good for the
game until I become a total *** and have to get the wheel?
I have fond memories of Indy 500 on the Amiga, used to lower the gear
ratios on the middle performance car (can't remember the name) so it
would scream well into the redzone in top gear and beat the pants of
all the other cars for 3 or 4 laps then bang, no engine!
Being older now maybe I can drive a bit more sensibly this time...
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