> The game would be boring, repetive, etc. I mean, what can you do? Tinker
> with the car in the garage, then accelerate when the green light comes
> on? That's all that's involved in Drag Racing. Maybe sometimes you'd
> try to save the car from losing control but that's the only skill
> involved.
> --
> B.J.
> Dole/Kemp in '96!
> I hate the Macarena!
OK .... I've let the discussions on Darg Racing sims go by before but it's
asinine comments like these that I see over and over again from totally
clueless morons when it comes to Drag Racing that really get me pissed.
First off, I love NASCAR but all you are doing in it is going around in
circles turning left (unless your at SP or The Glen) and maybe you go into
the garage and tinker with the car a little. Sounds a bit boring, repetitive,
etc. HHHMMMMMMMMMMMM ..... That comment sounds a little familiar, doesn't it?
As far as just accelerating when the green light comes on .... if you do
it that way, I guarantee that you will be putting your car on the trailer
after your first race nearly EVERY TIME. Especially if any sim that might ever
get made includes Pro Stock or Sportsmen classes. These races are won/lost on
your reacton time at the start and your margin of victory/defeat can be as
little as 1/1000th of a second. Plus, miss a shift even by a little and
your gone.
As far as just trying to save the car from losing control .... answer me
this. You're driving a Top Fuel car and as you leave the line at full
throttle you lose traction and you're tire go up in smoke. What do you do? Let
off the throttle all the way? Pull the brake lever? Let off the throttle
partially? and for how long? Any combination of the above? OH, did I mention
that your opponent is also having traction problems (must've been that oildown
in that lane the previous race) so now you might be able to win this race.
Damn, all this in the first 2-3 seconds of the race. Decisions, decisions.
And what's your fuel ratio, clutch settings, wing settings, supercharger
overdiven/underdriven, oil pressure, fuel pressure? Are you racing during the
day or at night? What are the atmos[pheric conditions? Are you racing at Indy,
Denver, Houston? Just as in the other sims the tracks are totally different.
Some bumpy, some smooth. Indy's located at 700ft. elev but Denver is over a
mile in elev. Big difference there. How would you set up a car to transition
from a concrete starting area to an asphalt remainder of the track.
Damn, sounds to me like it's getting to be a little more complicated than
just 'accelerating when the green light comes on'.
Now before all the NASCAR guys say that it's more than just turning left and
tinkering in the garages. I KNOW IT IS. I have been around cars and racing
for nearly twenty years and know what's involved. I've used F1GP, GP2, NASCAR
and ICR so I know what those sims entail. I just get pissed when I see the BS
like what many people post here when arguing against a DR sim is what they
see/hear from the popular media.
For those wondering about the traction loss scenario .... I would not go from
full throttle to no throttle in a fuel motor if my tire were smoking. That is
unless I wanted to***of my crew chief, owner and entire crew by detonating
an engine and turning it into a $40,000 pile of s***metal.