> Rory,
>> If you read the article carefully and completely;
> I did, this time as well as when it first came out in 2000
>> you will read that what
>> needs to be changed to make FF work properly hasn't been changed yet
>> therefore it is still valid today. Afterall there still is no simulation
>> software as good as GPL and look how old that is.
> But surely you could update it, even if it was to say that FFB is still not
> at the stage where Hyperstim would implement it, especially so if you are
> going to have a poll about it. I just found it odd that you would have a
> poll in 2002 and make coy comments in the NG that there was something
> happening with regard to this. Your comments here lead me to believe that
> something was up with FFB and Hyperstim, until I read the old article.Not
> bashing you or Hyperstim (yes I have tried one) as I said I just found it
> odd.
> --
> Edward
> Commissioner
> MARA Middle-Aged Racers Association
The Poll in the Forum on the www.hyperstimcanada.com web site is my idea to
respond to the queries that I get about FF. Nothing else should be or was
meant to be implied. I know there are those out there that really like FF
and I want to know if not having FF really has stopped someone from
purchasing a Hyper. If there was enough serious people who would purchase a
Hyper only if it had FF than I believe Hyper would have a serious look into
FF. I've never had someone say to me that I would only buy the Hyper if it
had FF. So far there has not been a serious response to the Poll. Some
people have said yes but they haven't left there name with a post confirming
they were seriously enough so it is hard to take seriously.
I do appreciate your comments, Edward. I hope you participate in the Hyper
Rory S. Brown
Canadian Hyper Stimulator Distributor