Have fun wherever it is.
Have fun wherever it is.
And again, my hats off to Neil and Ginger ! And everyone else that raced
this year.
In fact, ACPI has removed one of the great down-sides to the PC
architecture, the management of the limited number of IRQ's available.
On ACPI systems running 2K/XP, it is not uncommon to see 4, 6 or more
devices sharing the same IRQ, and having no problems.
If you ARE having issues with IRQ's under the above operating systems, and
your system is running ACPI (as it should be), then your issue is with
improper drivers, software or hardware.
These days, with hardware/drivers written within the last 2 years, this
issue should be a memory.
If you are running Windows 95/98 then you're on your own :)
It also makes it more important to make it to EVERY race that you can, and
rewards those who take the time and come to every race possible, practice as
much as possible, and finish as high as possible.
It ain't over until the end of the season :)
> Brian Oster
> >Don't see why not. To me, it gives something to work towards. You can't
> >always win, but with points there are more considerations to occupy the
> >:)
> >-Larry
> >> will we be tracking points in the winter series as well?
> >> > Winter series starts next week. Details to follow in a day or two.
Congrats to Neil, Ginger, and Larry and thanks to everyone for the hard work
and effort they put into RASCAR. I have had a really great time racing with
you guys and look forward to more of the same in the trucks and the 2004
season. I'm just a mid to rear of the pack racer, but managed to get in the
top 15. I think points will add to the fun next year.
No conflicts that I can find Alan. Yep Larry...Win XP home. As a matter of fact
this is the only USB device connected. Ya'll have fun in the winter series.
Also, it gives you a benchmark or a sprinboard off of which future
improvements can be gauged. I'm definately guning for top 10 honours next
Homepage - http://www.umich.edu/~epickett
Screamers Racing League
IICC League
GPLRank -2.4 MoGPL rank +302.38
ChallengeRank +54.48 MoC +743.77
Hist. +82.82 MoH in progress
N2k3 rank:in progress
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Homepage - http://www.umich.edu/~epickett
Screamers Racing League
IICC League
GPLRank -2.4 MoGPL rank +302.38
ChallengeRank +54.48 MoC +743.77
Hist. +82.82 MoH in progress
N2k3 rank:in progress
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