Hi Chris, I will reply in bold in between your lines, because you used html text.
For Gp2, one essential 3rd party program is Gp2Edit 1.81(it does everything, I mean,
Everything, in one click) :)
I am using it all the time. :) New cars, teams, performances...
Now that you make me talk about this game, the "Gp2 demons" are bitting me, and I
think I'll restart using it a bit... LOL
Hehehe. I never stopped using it. What a sim, huh?
I'm itching to get a decent modern F1 sim, so I'll play it again until GP3's
release(or F1-2000 ?)
GP3 is due in June, and I can't wait to try it. And F1-2000, well, I am not so sure.
It has great graphics, but EA has proven that they can't make a decent SIM, only gorgeous
eye-candy games. If they prove me wrong, that will be even better, but I am not paying
much attention to this game.
My no.1 Sim is GPL, but Gp2 gave me also great souvenirs...
GPL is great, but I am much more fond of today's F1 racing, the speed, the chicanes,
the controlability.
Ubisoft's F1RS & MGPRS2 never delivered any real racing feeling for me... Their
artificial behavior("faked oversteering") & the many bugs(they both needed ~ over 6
patches, & still...), made me removed them from my HD.
I tried F1RS and I was disappointed in many ways. First, SLOOOW menus. That alone was
enough to make me mad. 2nd, it is hard to control the car and guide it precisely where you
want it. It's not a bad game in overall, but after GP2 it just doesn't appeal to me.
I still can't believe they're still having Yellow Flags after an accident, not before
Let's hope GP3 won't be delayed anymore, and we will be able to sit in the 3D
accelerated***pit in summer and start wasting more time! :)