My Dad has a '65 Elan S2 - it's quite a remarkable little car. The
frame is a large rigid beam with fully independent front and rear
suspension, the control arms are hand-welded from tubing, and it has
inboard rear disc brakes to reduce unsprung weight. The body is a full
fiberglass molding that fits over top of the frame.
I have many fond memories of the first full rebuild he did of the car
when I was a kid.
Just had another cool memory (totally OT) - He's an aeronautical
engineer, and couldn't get wind-tunnel time to test an idea he was
working on, so he built a test rig to hold a wing section and winglet
vertically in place of the passenger seat. I sat on the center console
recording readings from a spring scale while he drove up and down the
parkway - I think we did one run at around 80 :).