GTR2002 on a sunday? :(


GTR2002 on a sunday? :(

by Thor » Mon, 02 Dec 2002 22:39:51

Thought it would be nice to try this new one on a sunday afternoon with
wife on job and all :) (it's 14.35 local time in DK)....started dl' it
an hour ago...right now 7% is dl' the sensational speed of 4,28
KB/sec....on a 512 Kbit line...:(

Think it will be monday or tuesday before it's finished...

Venlig hilsen / Best regards

Karsten Borcher

GTR2002 on a sunday? :(

by Karsten Borcher » Mon, 02 Dec 2002 23:24:47

Hi Thore

Here is something that will help you out ;) (the host) has moved the GTR2002.exe fil, to
their dedicated download server.
It does however require Boomtown membership (free). There is an explanation
on how to register and get the file, in the link.

This should'nt give any bandwith trouble, since the server sits on the
fatest lines you can imagine ;)

Best Regards

Karsten Borchers

> Thought it would be nice to try this new one on a sunday afternoon with
> wife on job and all :) (it's 14.35 local time in DK)....started dl' it
> an hour ago...right now 7% is dl' the sensational speed of 4,28
> KB/sec....on a 512 Kbit line...:(

> Think it will be monday or tuesday before it's finished...

> --
> Venlig hilsen / Best regards


GTR2002 on a sunday? :(

by JS » Tue, 03 Dec 2002 01:15:43

Slightly confusing wait queue, I was down to position 12 at one time now I
am back at 15 ??
Must be paying members that gets pushed to the front of the queue.


Karsten Borcher

GTR2002 on a sunday? :(

by Karsten Borcher » Tue, 03 Dec 2002 02:27:07

I'm not very familiar with the qeue's, but yes, I think it's something like

/ Karsten Borchers


GTR2002 on a sunday? :(

by Thor » Tue, 03 Dec 2002 03:10:12

On Sun, 1 Dec 2002 15:24:47 +0100, "Karsten Borchers"

>Hi Thore

>Here is something that will help you out ;)

> (the host) has moved the GTR2002.exe fil, to
>their dedicated download server.
>It does however require Boomtown membership (free). There is an explanation
>on how to register and get the file, in the link.

>This should'nt give any bandwith trouble, since the server sits on the
>fatest lines you can imagine ;)

Nice Karsten...:)

My dl from Blackhole was interrupted when I recieved 12%...:(

So I thought I would take a chance on the BoomTown server....but I was
no. 105 in the now I give it up...for now....

I think that anybody that have succedeed in a full dl could make some
extra money for X-mas in making CD's of the file....:)
...but that would be wrong, ofcourse....

Maybe the team behind the mod should make it possible to buy the mod on
a CD...just for helping the economy in buying the missing server,

Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Thore Sorensen  -  DK-2700 Bronshoj
(Z = spamfilter)

Dave Henri

GTR2002 on a sunday? :(

by Dave Henri » Tue, 03 Dec 2002 03:18:56

  try here, this is a cut and paste from the simbin forums.


We have open a new Mirror for GTR 2002 located in Frankfurt/M. - Germany.

I have made a Quick-Guide on how to download the MOD from our Server:

1) Surf to: our register page

2) Answer the fallowing questions:

Email = Email (The Email must(!) work!)
Vorname = Name
Nachname = Surename

In the Textbox named "Datenschutzbestimmungen Akzeptieren:" put the Word:

Klick on "Zum schnellen Download".

3) Check your Emails an click on the link that comes with the confirm

4) Close all Browserwindows and open one new. Then surf to: our download

5) The Download should start...


GTR2002 on a sunday? :(

by Thor » Thu, 05 Dec 2002 00:39:48

>Thought it would be nice to try this new one on a sunday afternoon with
>wife on job and all :) (it's 14.35 local time in DK)....started dl' it
>an hour ago...right now 7% is dl' the sensational speed of 4,28
>KB/sec....on a 512 Kbit line...:(

>Think it will be monday or tuesday before it's finished...

...and it was today...:) gotit :) from (danish
web-site) 1 hour ago....dropped it on a CD...can't wait to get home...:)

Thx, Karsten...:)

Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Thore Sorensen  -  DK-2700 Bronshoj
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