Apologies again for using this newsgroup as a broadcast medium to
contact and inform my sim-racing buddies but it should be of interest
to anyone into sim-driving and "going faster".
It concerns a trip I did recently to Russia to do some one-to-one race
driving instruction with a GPL buddy of mine. I worked as an
instructor for a few years with Jim Russell school in the UK and am
now in the process of going back to formal instructing.
Many of my sim-driving buddies knew I was going on this trip and this
is a good way of letting them all know how it went.
It's an article at Race Sim Central that details the build-up to the
trip and how it all went. for those interested in Driving Technique
there is some useful stuff in there which is just as valid for driving
sims as it is for real-life.
The Forum link is here :
And the article itself is here :
Also, for anyone that's interested I've added a few new Diary items to
me Real Life Motorsport Page including a report from my races at
Donington Park this last weekend, also a report from my recent Track
Evening at Cadwell Park.
Diary page is here :