The intention wasn't to brag about my lad's lap times - although I guess I
am a little proud :-). More to try to figure how a young lad would fit in to
the "***" world of semi serious sim racing compared to arcade ***.
Inevitably his race maturity is lacking. My concern is that he might get
tangled up and ruin someone else's race - for which I have to have a high
degree of responsibility by allowing him to join. The second concern is that
VROC is assumed to be an *** arena, do we really want kids joining in?
Hence the question of whether there are other youngsters around who could
join specific races.
I have been surprised at Mikey's performance in GPL - I didn't expect a kid
to be able to master GPL to that level, what has surprised me is his
persistence in going through the pain of the learning curve, something kids
tend not to do. If he could put as much effort into school...
Of course it leaves me a shade disappointed. GPL is the only computer game
left I can beat him. Gran Tourismo I can accept (can't master a joypad to
drive a car). Unreal Tournament (too slow on the fire button). Fifa99
(controls again - haven't played since losing 9-0). TOCA2 (must be arcade if
he can beat me!). But GPL is an *** game - my years of driving experience
and knowledge of motor racing will always beat a young kid who lacks such
experience. Or so I thought....
Mind you it wouldn't be the first time I was beaten at GPL by a driver yet
to pass his test. Perhaps Mikey is my long term revenge for a certain
Anyway - if Eldred has sufficient demand for the "kiddie" server I wonder
how many ***s here will lie about their age - just to make sure they can
beat them!
"EldredP" wrote