>It is definitely not OK to release buggy software, but it is quickly
>becoming the norm. The marketing departments want to get the games out
>as quickly as possible because all they really seem to give a $hit
>about is the almighty dollar
The number one thing _any_ company cares about is the almighty dollar
(yen, pound, deutschmark or whatever). When they fail to do that the
company goes under - they lose their expense account and sportscar and
you get no software at all from that company.
It is of course far from ideal to release buggy software, but don't
pin the blame on the marketing department. They've been given a date
by the coders (probably under extreme pressure, but never mind!) and
have worked toward a release on that day - marketing, advertising,
bribing, coercing, your typical marketing activities. When the product
available is a pale shadow what was promised with bugs*** from
every pocket you can imagine they won't be happy - there's only so
many times you can build up the hype and have people believe you.
I'd guess marketing guys don't know a whole lot about the detail of
the product, not to the extent that fans of the game or the coders
will - they are being asked to sell what they have been told is the
product, and on the date they were given. The fact that the game
arrives in only buggy form on the date promised can hardly be blamed
upon marketing people, and the decision to release in such condition
will come after long protracted argument between all factions.
Quake2 was playable at first release and patches offered tweaks,
additional hardware support or other improvements. Would you rather
not have been able to play Quake2 at all until the final patch was in
place and the company probably out of business. All this "it was
better in the old days" is starry eyed nonsense (with the greatest
respect). Manic Miner was unbugged and 16K - I doubt you'd find a
Quak2 texture that was less than 16k, never mind the whole program.
The mind-boggling plethora of equipment combinations alone makes
testing a nightmare, not to mention the number of things which are
possible in a modern game. People say "Consoles get it right because
they can't release patches", fact is that consoles have much more
chance of getting it right because they're coding for fixed and
standard equipment.
In my opinion it is an unnattainable Utopia to expect software to do
everything perfectly on every system, and our support should go to
those companies who make good on any mistakes in a responsible and
rapid manner.